Request for Evaluation - Sample Letter
“Dyslexia is an unexpected difficulty in reading in an individual who has the intelligence to be a much better reader. ”
Below is a sample letter to request a comprehensive evaluation. Download the complete letter and feel free to edit for personal use.
Dear Principal Fairness:
I am Jennifer Love, the mother of Liam L. Love (DOB 9/16/2012). I am concerned that my son, a second grader at Equitable Elementary School, is still unable to read and I believe that he has a need for special education services. I expressed my concern to the classroom teacher and she suggested that I reach out to you to request a meeting. This is my formal request to consider my son’s eligibility for special education services. I am also requesting a comprehensive evaluation in all areas of suspected disability.
Following are my concerns:
• Liam is unable to read fluently as he struggles to sound out every word.
• The teacher noted that he reads at a rate of 40 words correct per minute.
• He is now anxious and very sad about going to school each day.
• He feels very self-conscious about reading in front of his peers.
• He is also unable to complete math word problems for homework because he cannot read them.
• He is unable to begin his academic morning work when he arrives at school because he can’t read the instructions on the Smart Board.
I understand that we will first need to meet in a planning and placement team meeting within 10 days of receipt of this request. Please know that I’m available for an in-person meeting on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. If you have any questions, you can reach me via email or on my cell phone. I look forward to hearing from you.
Please include a copy of this letter in Liam’s permanent educational file.
Jennifer Love